Beat the summer heat! The New England Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is offering you four ways for a chance to win a 75-quart Yeti Tundra Cooler:
- Renew your BHA membership by July 31 (early renewals are OK, we just add 12 months to your membership).
- Join BHA with a new membership by July 31.
- Purchase a gift membership for a friend and get a bonus chance – one for you and one for the new member.
- If you join or renew for a three-year membership you’ll get three chances to win!
To qualify: join, renew, or give a gift membership at by midnight July 31.
Winner must be a resident of one of the six New England Chapter states and the cooler must be deliverable to a New England address.
Recently joined? If you’re reading this and have already joined or renewed at one of our events this year you are already in the drawing pool for a second Yeti that is reserved just for those that sign up at events.
Why join or renew your membership?
Your membership helps supports BHA’s advocacy for public lands and waters, and a significant portion of your membership dollars support the New England chapter’s regional events and programs.
Right now BHA is pushing for full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Act, which would protect wildlife habitat and improve public access and another bill that seeks to protect wildlife species at risk. The BHA North American Hunting for Sustainability program is taking root, and the New England Chapter has been a leader in that area by engaging new hunters with practical hands-on workshops and through its mentoring program. It’s not too late to become a New England BHA mentor or mentee.
New England BHA continues to be out front on conservation policy, such as:
- Putting a halt on introduction of captive deer and elk for canned hunts in Rhode Island that could introduce chronic wasting disease.
- Pushing for sensible limits on development in Maine’s North Woods.
- Promoting the need to designate backcountry areas for remote, dispersed recreation on Vermont public lands.
- Stopping a bill in Connecticut that would have allowed towns to ban all hunting.
- Tracking legislation in Massachusetts, such as a bill that would stop all timber harvesting on state lands, including wildlife habitat improvement harvests.
- Exploring opportunities for a collaborative project with the US Forest Service on the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire.
- Click Here to see recent policy initiatives.
We’re having multiple events in all New England states from pint nights to field days and workshops, and we’re gearing up Public Lands Month in September. Click Here to see what's coming up.
Thank you for your support!