New England BHA Supports Proposed Bear & Deer Hunting Regulation Changes in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts State Leadership Team (SLT) supports a series of proposed regulation changes impacting both deer and bear hunting in Massachusetts. These changes create additional hunting opportunities for both youth and adult hunters; take steps to reduce the potential spread of CWD into the state; and provide key clarifications around certain regulations, while simplifying others. 


The proposed changes for deer hunting and CWD Prevention include: 

  • Clarification that food plots are legal to use for hunting.
  • Allowing the use of deer decoys for hunting during the archery-only season.
  • Removing the daily antlerless bag limit. (Season limits are still in effect.)
  • Authorizing the use of the Youth Deer Permit for any open deer season.
  • Exempting antler shed hunting from possession permit requirements. 
  • Sunseting all remaining captive cervid operations under propagator and education permits.
  • Expanding deboning requirements to all states outside of New England.
  • Creating a winter primitive firearms season for the month of January on Martha's Vineyard and Elizabeth Island (WMZ 13) and Nantucket (WMZ 14).

The proposed changes for bear hunting include:

  • Replacing the current three bear hunting seasons with one continuous bear hunting season from Labor Day in September through the 2nd Saturday after Thanksgiving (the end of the shotgun deer season).
  • Creating a free Youth Bear Permit.

The Massachusetts SLT has been tracking these proposed regulation changes since they were first introduced to the Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board in 2024. The team commends MassWildlife staff for their continued efforts to improve regulations by simplifying and clarifying aspects and also by expanding opportunities for hunters and anglers in the Commonwealth. 


New England BHA’s 2025 Proposed Deer Regulation Comments

New England BHA’s 2025 Proposed Bear Regulation Comments

MassWildlife will conduct public hearings to discuss the proposed regulation changes concerning deer hunting, bear hunting, and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) prevention. The hearings for deer hunting and CWD regulations are scheduled for January 23 at 1:30 PM and 6 PM via Zoom. Written comments will be accepted until 4 PM on February 5. Meanwhile, the hearings for the proposed bear hunting regulations will take place on January 27 at 1:30 PM and 6 PM, also on Zoom. Written comments on the bear hunting proposals will be accepted until 4 PM on February 10.


We encourage those who hunt in Massachusetts to participate in the public hearings and/or email your comments to MassWildlife and the Massachusetts Fish and Wildlife Board. 


For more information on the meetings, the proposed changes, and to submit comments,  click here.

About New England BHA Chapter

New England BHA is a voice for the sporting community in New England that values solitude, silence, clean and free flowing rivers, and habitat for large, wide-ranging wildlife.