Board member Matt McKenzie of Connecticut submitted a letter on behalf of the chapter in support of the proposed Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge in New England. The plan would protect habitat for the threatened New England cottontail and manage for important young forest habitat, which is becoming increasingly rare in coastal and southern New England. The USFWS proposes to acquire lands from willing sellers in southern Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut and on Cape Cod. The refuge will provide opportunities for hunting and other forms of outdoor recreation in a region where public access lands are limited.
NE BHA Board Member Dan Williams testified in support of a bill banning supplemental feeding of deer. Dan also submitted a letter supporting rule changes proposed by NH Fish and Game.
VT Board Member Eric Nuse was a guest on radio station WDEV to talk about the Vermont deer herd and hunting. Eric explained the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, the value of backcountry and roadless areas, hunter ethics, and plugged BHA.
The New England Chapter seeks help from members who want to get involved in conservation programs or state issues. Email [email protected].
-Robert Bryan