New Commissioners Appointed

March 1, 2023 – Today, Governor Inslee’s office announced two new appointments, Steve Parker, and Woody Myers, to the Washington Fish & Wildlife Commission. Per statute, the appointments are six-year terms and must be confirmed by the State Senate. 

Steve Parker was appointed to an eastern Washington Position, and Woody Myers was appointed to an at-large Washington position. Parker is a retired fisheries biologist who served much of his 45-year career with Yakama Nation Fisheries. Myers is a retired ungulate researcher, serving for 40-years with the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW), focusing primarily on deer and elk research. 

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Washington Chapter (BHA WA) expressed support for both candidates and thanks Governor Inslee and his staff for seeking the balance required on the Commission, and for offering the opportunity to submit feedback. 

“The stakeholders and tribes who represent the catchment area of WDFW and the issues the agency manages are incredibly diverse and complex,” said Cameron Lankhaar and Dan Wilson, co-chairs of the Washington Chapter. “We appreciate the homework and outreach demonstrated by these appointments in seeking the balance needed for the best stewardship and management of public resources.” 

As conservationists and sportspeople, we are at a critical juncture where conservation, fish, and wildlife management require thoughtful and knowledgeable commissioners who seek to work with WDFW staff, strive to meet state mandates, and respect public input, best available science, and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.  

Barbara Baker was also re-appointed to the Commission in a western Washington position. 

BHA WA also recognizes and thanks the service of outgoing commissioners Kim Thorburn and Dr. Don McIsaac. Commissioner Thorburn has been a diligent steward of due process, science-based decision making, and responsible resource management and we sincerely appreciate her service.  

The Commission is a nine-person citizen panel, appointed by the Governor, that is statutorily tasked with working with the WDFW staff and the public, to “establish polices to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife, and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities compatible with healthy and diverse fish and wildlife populations,” according to the WDFW website.

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About Josh Wilund

Native Idaho’n
Backcountry Skier/Hunter/Angler
Fairly Handy

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