Mountain Lion Processing with Washington BHA


Mountain Lion Processing with Washington BHA


Thanks to collaboration with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), and the generosity of a local archery range, the WA Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA) had the unique opportunity to host a Mountain Lion Skinning and Processing Event at KBH Archers in Belfair WA. The WA Chapter worked with WDFW to coordinate receiving game animals that were removed due to conflict, either from depredation or public safety situations in an effort to create learning opportunities from unfortunate situations. 



WDFW has the challenging task of addressing conflict issues between citizens of the state and its wildlife, often resulting in the offending animal being euthanized. While the Department strongly encourages the use of non-lethal deterrents to prevent conflict issues and provides the public with best practices in coexisting with wildlife, problems still occur. 


This past November, BHA board members were notified that a cougar had been removed from a local residence as a result of repeat depredation of the landowner's livestock, and offered the opportunity to utilize it in an event. Thanks to local BHA member Alan Manney, who volunteered his freezer space to accommodate the lion, a unique opportunity was created to keep the animal whole until a venue and date could be set for the event. 



From seasoned experts to those who have yet to purchase their first tag, they all gathered around shoulder to shoulder to learn and share. It was a testament to the hunting community to see people walk in as strangers and leave as friends, after a night spent learning together and sharing experiences both past and present.


Along with learning how to check regulations and report their harvest, participants were taught how to determine the age and sex of a mountain lion, where to make cuts in and how to preserve the hide for taxidermy, how to quarter an animal to prepare it for the freezer and how to safely cook the meat for the dinner table. From nose to tail, WA BHA board member Clarence Rushing and BHA Armed Forces Initiative National Board Chair, Shawn McCarthy led the group through an inclusive and educational night ensuring everyone left with more than they arrived.



Not only were attendants able to get hands-on experience in skinning and processing a mountain lion, they also had the rare opportunity to sample mountain lion backstrap, prepared by Shawn McCarthy. With samples flying off the cutting board as fast as they appeared each attendee commented on how similar to pork it tasted, both flavor and consistency, breaking down any remaining misconceptions held about the table fare of mountain lions.



If you missed out on this event, keep an eye out for the next one!

About Mandy Carlstrom

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