Montana BHA 2025 Winter Newsletter

Hello from the Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers! We hope you're beginning the new year by taking stock of a successful 2024 in the backcountry, as well as looking forward to what adventures 2025 will bring. While you're at it, take a moment to see what we've been up to this winter and how you can get involved with BHA in the coming months.



Montana's 2025 legislative session has begun, and Montana BHA is working hard to track bills and comment on issues that affect public land, water, and wildlife in our state. We are committed to providing prompt action alerts and updates on our efforts at the capitol, so please stay up-to-date with our emails and social media posts for future calls to action. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with legislative process and how to comment on bills by using the links below:

Ways to comment

Bill Explorer

Last Fall, Montana BHA and its conservation partners voiced support for the Montana Great Outdoors Conservation Easement project and celebrated its approval by the Montana Land Board in December. The easement protects nearly 33,000 acres of land in northwest Montana from development and ensures "permanent free public recreation access" to the enrolled lands.

To welcome the new year, the Montana BHA board elected a new leader, Jake Schwaller, after our previous Chair, John B. Sullivan III, completed his term. First and foremost, we are grateful for the years of exceptional dedication and leadership John gave to BHA and are happy to retain him on the board in the position of Immediate Past Chair. Jake certainly has big boots to fill, and we look forward to the great work he will do in his new role. To give members an idea of Jake’s background and his dedication to BHA, we sat down to ask him a few questions. Read a Q&A with Jake here.

We also hosted the Hunting for Sustainability Waterfowl Workshop at the Teller Wildlife Refuge. Eight college students and novice waterfowl hunters, including one first time hunter, joined us for two days of time in the classroom, the field, and at the range. Mentors shared their knowledge on conservation and ethics, waterfowl biology, hunting tactics, and Officer Kole from the USFWS spoke about hunting regulations and shared a few stories.


Upcoming Events


You're invited to join the Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers at the Trailhead River Sports in Missoula on Saturday, January 25th at 6:30pm for a night of music, food, raffles, auctions, and camaraderie! We'll raise a glass to a successful 2024 and look ahead to 2025 where another legislative session will have begun. We'll have silent auction packages, exclusive raffles, food, drinks, and music - and all proceeds will go towards the chapter's continued work for Montana's public lands and waters. 

View all Montana events here.

Recipe from the Backcountry

Mule Deer Picadillo
From Montana BHA Stewardship Leader, Micah Fields



Picadillo, a simple ground meat dish that derives from the Spanish word picar, meaning “to mince,” is the strongest example of Cuban comfort food I can imagine. It’s easy to make, unctuous, salty, filling, and it makes great use of ground meat from any wild game. Many versions contain a mixture of olives and raisins (and occasionally potatoes), but my family’s rendition keeps it simple with just chopped green olives. Feel free to use this recipe as a base from which to expand and riff on your own take. The only rule is that it must be served with rice, shared with family, and finished with a strong café cubano. Enjoy!

Get Micah’s Mule Deer Picadillo recipe on our Field to Table blog here.

Join Us!

Like what you see? Want to support our continued work in Montana? Join, renew or gift a membership here!



Thank you for your continued support and we'll see you in the field!



The Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers



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About Micah Fields

Micah lives in Helena and is the Stewardship Leader for the Montana BHA Chapter.

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