July 8, 2019
Mr. John E.Tubbs
Director, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
1539 11thAve
PO Box 201601
Helena, MT 59620
Dear Mr. Tubbs:
Our organization, the Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, requests that the DNRC pursue a reciprocal easement with the BLM to assure long-term, non-motorized public access between DNRC lands and the Lewis and Clark National Forest in the Deep Creek area west of Augusta, Montana.
The Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is composed of more than 3,000 Montana sportsmen who rely on public access routes to access our public lands. Our members depend primarily on public lands, and we use the Rocky Mountain Front for both hunting and angling, as well as hiking.
Given the uncertainties of potential future land trades or even disposals, obtaining a formal perpetual easement will ensure that the public will be able to access this portion of the Rocky Mountain Front in perpetuity. Without this access, there is a nearly 20-mile wide portion of the Lewis and Clark Forest which would be very difficult to access.
This proposal has been before your organization for some time without positive action. We are interested in seeing this easement completed in the near future. We, along with others, are willing to help in any way possible to assure this route to and through our public lands is provided for our generation as well as others to follow. Please keep us abreast of actions you plan to complete this easement.
Greg Munther
Board Conservation Director
The Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers