In a recent MeatEater podcast (Ep. 304), guest Dr. Matt Rinella suggested that the Montana Chapter of BHA has ceased efforts to recruit, retain and reactivate conservation advocates (R3). This is inaccurate.
The Montana Chapter remains actively engaged in developing and advancing R3 work as consistent with BHA headquarters' efforts and goals. The Montana Chapter's leadership has taken no action otherwise.
Dr. Rinella was previously a board member for Montana BHA; he resigned in 2020. We deeply appreciate his volunteer time and efforts to advance BHA’s mission and we maintain a close friendship with him. Dr. Rinella's recent comments about the Montana Chapter’s efforts on R3 were based on a simple misunderstanding.
Through our Armed Forces Initiative and Collegiate Club Program, Montana BHA will continue to engage in efforts to educate hunters, anglers and every public land owner on the need to be vocal advocates of conservation, public lands and public access and to be ethical participants of our shared heritage. No one is going to advocate for something that they don't value and understand. BHA's R3 efforts have always been about creating a community of like-minded hunters and anglers who understand the important role that sportsmen and women play in wildlife conservation, and who are willing to fight to keep public lands in public hands, to stick up for public access and to advocate for the future of our outdoor heritage.
For more information on recent BHA R3 efforts in Montana, click here.