Milwaukee Outdoor Gear Gala
June 1
Starting at 11am
Milwaukee Outdoor Indoor Exchange
Milwaukee, WI









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event_title: Milwaukee Outdoor Gear Gala

event_time_zone: America/Chicago

event_start: June 01, 2024 11:00

event_duration: 480

event_end: June 01, 2024 19:00

event_address: 3044 S Delaware Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207, United States

event_description: Join Wisconsin BHA at the "Outdoor Gear Gala" hosted by Milwaukee Outdoor Indoor Exchange!The Outdoor Gear Gala will be FREE gathering of all types of outdoor recreation, including both consumptive and non-consumptive users of our wild places unifying and celebrating Milwaukees outdoor voices, leaders, retailers, and enthusiasts.Come show your support for BHA and help us educating the non-hunting public on the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and how our public lands and waters benefit from hunters & anglers like us!Dont miss this opportunity to grab some BHA merch and participate in some sweet raffle prizes!If youre interested in helping man the BHA booth, please send an email to alecbekkersgmail.comShow HoursJune 1- 11AM-7PMJune 2- 11AM-7PMMore information on the Gear Gala here:

Milwaukee Outdoor Gear Gala

Join Wisconsin BHA at the "Outdoor Gear Gala" hosted by Milwaukee Outdoor Indoor Exchange!

The Outdoor Gear Gala will be FREE gathering of all types of outdoor recreation, including both consumptive and non-consumptive users of our wild places unifying and celebrating Milwaukee's outdoor voices, leaders, retailers, and enthusiasts.

Come show your support for BHA and help us educating the non-hunting public on the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and how our public lands and waters benefit from hunters & anglers like us!

Don't miss this opportunity to grab some BHA merch and participate in some sweet raffle prizes!

If you're interested in helping man the BHA booth, please send an email to [email protected]
Show Hours
June 1- 11AM-7PM
June 2- 11AM-7PM

More information on the Gear Gala here:
June 01, 2024 at 11:00am - 7pm
Milwaukee Outdoor Indoor Exchange
3044 S Delaware Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53207
United States
Google map and directions
Alec Bekkers · 404-372-2386