Maine Team Learn to Hunt: Whitetail Deer


New England BHA led two Whitetail Deer Hunting workshops on August 17 at the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine Outdoor Education Center in Augusta.  The workshops were presented in partnership with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife’s “Next Steps” hunting program, which is designed for hunters who have passed their Hunter Safety certification and are looking for more in-depth knowledge on a given subject. BHA instructors included Maine state leaders Brian Roach, John Simoneau, and Rob Bryan. 


The morning session covered deer hunting techniques, considerations when choosing rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, bows and other gear, stand setup, ethical shot selection, and safety for hunters, their party and others. The afternoon workshop focused on “after the shot” topics, including marking the shot, a field exercise in blood tracking, field dressing, game care and an introduction to butchering. A hollowed out deer decoy stuffed with balloons offered an entertaining way to practice the basics of starting the field dressing process.



Nex_Steps_Deer_J_Simoneau_2024-8-17_(1).JPGThe instructors brought a variety of perspectives based on their hunting style, and workshop participants who have been hunting were eager to share their experiences. John Simoneau stressed the importance of asking permission and landowner relations in a state that relies largely on free access to private land for hunting opportunities, while Brian Roach gave a great demonstration of tree saddle hunting. “I’ve been hunting deer for over 50 years,” said Bryan, “but the deer and other experienced hunters are always teaching me new things. After hearing Brian and John’s recommendations, I’m adding a stop-the-bleed kit to my emergency gear.”






Nex_Steps_Deer_J_Simoneau_2024-8-17_(3).JPGThe Maine BHA team is looking forward offering more Next Steps workshops in the future.  Contact the team at [email protected] if you want to help plan BHA activities in the state.


The following is a list of resources you can download to learn more. 





About New England BHA Chapter

New England BHA is a voice for the sporting community in New England that values solitude, silence, clean and free flowing rivers, and habitat for large, wide-ranging wildlife.

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