LETTER: Montana BHA comments in support of Marshall Mountain Community Forest and Mountain Park

Kali Becher

Open Lands Project Manager
Missoula County
200 W. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802

May 3rd, 2023

Re: Marshall Mountain Community Forest and Mountain Park

Dear Ms. Becher:

I am writing on behalf of Montana Backcountry Hunters & Anglers in strong support of the Marshall Community Forest and Mountain Park project. This project provides a unique opportunity to secure public access to a 480-acre area that would allow for continued recreation and educational uses, protect important forest and aquatic resources, and provide additional access to adjacent public lands. The Marshall Mountain Community Forest and Mountain Park project would accomplish a long-held community goal to save this special site that has a long history of community use and engagement.

This project would allow our dues-paying members continual access to public lands, all while protecting both big and small game habitat which is very much in line with two of our organization’s key pillars: keeping land accessible for recreation and protecting habitat on/in both land and water.

Our organization has been involved in the development of this project and provided input, and once it is completed has expressed on-going interest to collaborate as we improve both the land and water’s habitat. Marshall Mountain is “home” to both fish and animals that both us and our members desire to protect: elk, deer, bear, mountain lion, turkey, redtail fox and so on. It’s also important to mention this cold-water fishery is spawning water for both Bull Trout and Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide support for this project to protect a critical site for the citizens of Missoula County for many years to come.


Scott Mylnechuk

Missoula Valley Leader
Montana Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

About Scott Mylnechuk

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