event_title: 'Stars in the Sky' Film Showing (Leavenworth)
event_time_zone: America/Los_Angeles
event_start: August 27, 2019 19:00
event_duration: 180
event_end: August 27, 2019 22:00
event_address: 900 Front St, Suite C, Leavenworth, WA 98826, United States
event_description: Introduce the values and ethics of hunting to your non-hunting friends at this showing of Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story, a feature length documentary directed and produced by Steven Rinella.Join us for this film showing at Bushel & Bee Taproom in Leavenworth, and bring a friend! Stars in the Sky is the perfect vehicle to introduce the complexities of our relationship with the wild to the non-hunter. We encourage everyone to bring a non-member to this showing, get them signed up for BHA, and help spread the message behind Rinellas film.Buschel & Bee Taproom does not allow minors. Show starts at 7pm.