Learn To Clam: BHA x Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
October 5
Starting at 10am
Nelson Island Parking Area, Parker River NWR
Rowley, MA









20 Attending

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event_title: Learn To Clam: BHA x Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: October 05, 2023 10:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: October 05, 2023 13:00

event_address: Stackyard Road, Rowley, MA 01969, United States

event_description: After a very successful learn to clam event earlier this year, weve decided to offer the event again, this time with our friends at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Come on out on Thursday, October 5th at 10 am, and learn to dig soft shell clams. There are two options:Go and observe (well teach you to dig, and even give it a try, but you can not keep any clams)Obtain a Town of Rowley one-day permit ($30) in advance and dig clams to take home.  You can obtain the permit here*.All participants should wear weather appropriate clothing and wear knee/muck or hip boots. Those digging should also have a bucket and something to bring clams home in. We will provide clam rakes to use for the event. * Once on the CityHall website, navigate to the town of Rowley. On the left, under "Select Bill Type", click on "Shellfish License" and complete required fields.  

Learn To Clam: BHA x Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

After a very successful learn to clam event earlier this year, we've decided to offer the event again, this time with our friends at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Come on out on Thursday, October 5th at 10 am, and learn to dig soft shell clams. There are two options:

  1. Go and observe (we'll teach you to dig, and even give it a try, but you can not keep any clams)
  2. Obtain a Town of Rowley one-day permit ($30) in advance and dig clams to take home.  You can obtain the permit here*.

All participants should wear weather appropriate clothing and wear knee/muck or hip boots. Those digging should also have a bucket and something to bring clams home in. We will provide clam rakes to use for the event. 

* Once on the CityHall website, navigate to the town of Rowley. On the left, under "Select Bill Type", click on "Shellfish License" and complete required fields. 


October 05, 2023 at 10:00am - 1pm
Nelson Island Parking Area, Parker River NWR
Stackyard Road
Rowley, MA 01969
United States
Google map and directions
Pat Saunders ·
Mary Byrnes Mimi Phan Lindsay Ostrom

Who's RSVPing

Mary Byrnes
Mimi Phan
Lindsay Ostrom
Sorry, this event is sold out.