Idaho BHA attends Fly Fishers International Fair

The Fly Fishers International Fair was held in Boise on Aug 9-11. 

This trade show and educational summit brings together authors, thought leaders, industry powerhouses and passionate anglers from all over the country.  BHA Idaho had a vendor booth for 3 days in an effort to recruit members and promote awareness for BHA, particularly our work on public water access.  Rob Parkins, BHA's Public Water Access Coordinator, was there for two days to assist in our educational efforts.  Our booth was one of the more popular at the show thanks to a raffle we were running with generously donated prizes from Sage, Umpqua and Montana Fly Company.  Thanks to the efforts of several great chapter volunteers , Idaho BHA was able to sign up new members ranging from Florida to California.  





About Idaho BHA

The Idaho chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is a group united by a passion to protect and conserve public land forests, mountains, prairies, streams and lakes that support our hunting and angling traditions.

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