KY BHA Higginson-Henry WMA Habitat Workday
July 27
Starting at 9am
Higginson-Henry WMA
Morganfield, KY









6 Attending

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event_title: KY BHA Higginson-Henry WMA Habitat Workday

event_time_zone: America/Chicago

event_start: July 27, 2024 09:00

event_duration: 240

event_end: July 27, 2024 13:00

event_address: 6440 KY-56, Morganfield, KY 42437, United States

event_description: Join KY BHA and KDFWR on July 27 at Higginson-Henry WMA beginning at 9am Central Time for a workday to help improve wildlife habitat.A proposed project for KDFWR at this location involves bringing in a contractor to remove autumn olive from the understory on 100 acres to improve turkey brood rearing habitat, truly a benefit to all game species across the board. As a part of a KDFWR grant proposal for this project, BHA will be volunteering with a hack & squirt project as part of the site preparation.We will have a group of volunteers hack and squirt undesirable from around the proposed autumn olive treatment acreage. The main goal of this project is to create pockets of brood rearing habitat (forb dominated understory rather than saplings) interspersed with woodland type tree densities throughout the forest. Looking forward into the future, this location has been selected because KDFWR will be able to run prescribed fire through it and continue on with the 3-4 year disturbance interval needed for healthy forests.After spending the morning at the WMA, we plan to drive to nearby Henderson Brewing Company for post-workday fellowship, food, and beverages.RSVP below so we can plan on your attendance, and we hope you can join us! 

KY BHA Higginson-Henry WMA Habitat Workday

Join KY BHA and KDFWR on July 27 at Higginson-Henry WMA beginning at 9am Central Time for a workday to help improve wildlife habitat.

A proposed project for KDFWR at this location involves bringing in a contractor to remove autumn olive from the understory on 100 acres to improve turkey brood rearing habitat, truly a benefit to all game species across the board. As a part of a KDFWR grant proposal for this project, BHA will be volunteering with a hack & squirt project as part of the site preparation.

We will have a group of volunteers hack and squirt undesirable from around the proposed autumn olive treatment acreage. The main goal of this project is to create pockets of brood rearing habitat (forb dominated understory rather than saplings) interspersed with woodland type tree densities throughout the forest. Looking forward into the future, this location has been selected because KDFWR will be able to run prescribed fire through it and continue on with the 3-4 year disturbance interval needed for healthy forests.

After spending the morning at the WMA, we plan to drive to nearby Henderson Brewing Company for post-workday fellowship, food, and beverages.

RSVP below so we can plan on your attendance, and we hope you can join us!


July 27, 2024 at 9:00am - 1pm
Higginson-Henry WMA
6440 KY-56
Morganfield, KY 42437
United States
Google map and directions
Nathan Kunze ·
Lewis Austin Nathan Kunze

Who's RSVPing

Lewis Austin
Nathan Kunze

Will you come?