Irwin Fence Removal
July 20
Starting at 8am
43.40006, -111.29425
Irwin , ID









5 Attending

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event_title: Irwin Fence Removal

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: July 20, 2024 08:00

event_duration: 480

event_end: July 20, 2024 16:00

event_address: Irwin , ID 83428, United States

event_description: Join Idaho BHA for a Saturday of stewardship work assisting Upper Snake BLM with fence removal near Irwin Fishing Access. We will be removing approx. 1 mile of outdated fence on 200 acres of land recently acquired for public use. Fences serve an important role in grazing and rangeland management, and can be an important tool in maintaining rangeland health. While unneeded fences may not hinder rangeland goals, they can be a strike risk to upland birds, provide raptor perches thus increasing predation, and can hinder ungulate movements in the area. The removal of unnecessary fences benefit local wildlife and increase the scenic value of the landscape.We will meet at 8am Saturday morning at (43.40006, -111.29425) for a brief introduction/safety brief and work until 4pm. Following the fence pull, join us just down the street at the Little Moose Lodge for a beer, camaraderie and a short seminar from a local big cat biologist on his research and future management strategies. Volunteers are welcome to camp at nearby dispersed camping sites on BLM or show up bright and early. Volunteers should bring: Hiking boots, work gloves, snacks/water, eye protection, clothing layers for a full day outside (long sleeves are encouraged to protect against sun and barbed wire),RSVP below to join us for a weekend of critical habitat stewardship in Irwin!Contact with further questions.*Please only RSVP if you are serious about attending. RSVP numbers help us prepare appropriate meals, tools, and work and no-shows cost us valuable time and effort. However, we understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, so we ask that you update your RSVP accordingly.

Irwin Fence Removal

Join Idaho BHA for a Saturday of stewardship work assisting Upper Snake BLM with fence removal near Irwin Fishing Access. We will be removing approx. 1 mile of outdated fence on 200 acres of land recently acquired for public use. Fences serve an important role in grazing and rangeland management, and can be an important tool in maintaining rangeland health. While unneeded fences may not hinder rangeland goals, they can be a strike risk to upland birds, provide raptor perches thus increasing predation, and can hinder ungulate movements in the area. The removal of unnecessary fences benefit local wildlife and increase the scenic value of the landscape.

We will meet at 8am Saturday morning at (43.40006, -111.29425) for a brief introduction/safety brief and work until 4pm. Following the fence pull, join us just down the street at the Little Moose Lodge for a beer, camaraderie and a short seminar from a local big cat biologist on his research and future management strategies. Volunteers are welcome to camp at nearby dispersed camping sites on BLM or show up bright and early. 

Volunteers should bring: Hiking boots, work gloves, snacks/water, eye protection, clothing layers for a full day outside (long sleeves are encouraged to protect against sun and barbed wire),

RSVP below to join us for a weekend of critical habitat stewardship in Irwin!

Contact [email protected] with further questions.

*Please only RSVP if you are serious about attending. RSVP numbers help us prepare appropriate meals, tools, and work and no-shows cost us valuable time and effort. However, we understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, so we ask that you update your RSVP accordingly.

July 20, 2024 at 8:00am - 4pm
43.40006, -111.29425
Irwin , ID 83428
United States
Google map and directions
Andrew Hahne ·
Jen Duplisea Caleb Williams Tina Shang Dan Flathau

Who's RSVPing

Jen Duplisea
Caleb Williams
Tina Shang
Dan Flathau

Will you come?