Introduction to Fly Fishing with PA BHA - Part 1
May 6
Starting at 7:30pm
Virtual - Zoom









30 Attending

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event_title: Introduction to Fly Fishing with PA BHA - Part 1

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: May 06, 2021 19:30

event_duration: 60

event_end: May 06, 2021 20:30


event_description: The Pennsylvania Chapter of BHA will host a two-part introduction to fly fishing with BHA PA member Sarah Xenophon. Fly fishing is a whole other world of fishing and offers an angler many rewards. This series is aimed at novices who want to learn the very basics of fly fishing and perhaps get out on the water for the first time as part of a group. These events are free of charge to participants. The May 6th event will focus on an overview of tackle and equipment as well as basic fly-fishing techniques. RSVP for Part 1 on this page to receive the Zoom login instructions.The May 13th event will focus on navigating the Pennsylvania Fishing and Boat Commission website, finding places to fish, basic regulations and the importance of conserving Pennsylvania’s fisheries. RSVP for Part 2 here.The virtual events will be followed up by an in-person camping weekend at Poe Paddy State Park in central Pennsylvania. The weekend will include a Friday Night Fireside Chat, Saturday fly-fishing lessons and potluck wild game dinner, and Sunday morning fly fishing. The in-person event will be limited to 15 people to ensure all participants are able to get hands-on instruction. Preference will be given to individuals who attend the two Zoom events on May 6 and 13. Details and registration for this event to come.  

Introduction to Fly Fishing with PA BHA - Part 1

david-j-boozer-S1_m8ec_C7g-unsplash.jpgThe Pennsylvania Chapter of BHA will host a two-part introduction to fly fishing with BHA PA member Sarah Xenophon. Fly fishing is a whole other world of fishing and offers an angler many rewards. This series is aimed at novices who want to learn the very basics of fly fishing and perhaps get out on the water for the first time as part of a group. 

These events are free of charge to participants. 

The May 6th event will focus on an overview of tackle and equipment as well as basic fly-fishing techniques. RSVP for Part 1 on this page to receive the Zoom login instructions.

The May 13th event will focus on navigating the Pennsylvania Fishing and Boat Commission website, finding places to fish, basic regulations and the importance of conserving Pennsylvania’s fisheries. RSVP for Part 2 here.

The virtual events will be followed up by an in-person camping weekend at Poe Paddy State Park in central Pennsylvania.

The weekend will include a Friday Night Fireside Chat, Saturday fly-fishing lessons and potluck wild game dinner, and Sunday morning fly fishing. The in-person event will be limited to 15 people to ensure all participants are able to get hands-on instruction. Preference will be given to individuals who attend the two Zoom events on May 6 and 13. Details and registration for this event to come. 


May 06, 2021 at 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Virtual - Zoom
Adam Eckley ·
Sean Penny Sarah Xenophon Adam Eckley Robert Parkins Shannon Berndt Brock Seese Samantha Lutz Jesse McAnallen Jay Lewis Kim Craig Gregory D. Malaska Brenda Beal Erich Bollman Harry Holt Anisha Borthakur Jimmy Farrell Jeffrey Boyer Gerry Dunn Rob Buffone Chris Hennessey

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