Washington BHA Member Spotlight

Introducing the Member Spotlight for the Washington Chapter

You could be featured next in our newsletter or social media pages!


Don’t worry, I know what you’re asking yourself. Which is why I already listed out your questions and answered them right here. Boom.


What is the member spotlight?
Well, I’m glad you asked! Each week, we will select one member to be featured as the Washington Chapter’s spotlighted member. We ask our members to submit their favorite backcountry stories, and we will also accept nominations!


Why are we doing it?
This will give us the opportunity to get to know you, our members. We would also like to offer some more sense of community since we aren’t allowed to have events right now due to, you know, the global pandemic.


How do I become featured?
Send us an email with your stories, pictures, and nominations here. I am really looking forward to reading all of your stories and seeing the awesome pictures, so let’s go!

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