News for Immediate Release
Dec. 13, 2019
Contact: Katie McKalip, 406-240-9262, [email protected]
The newest issue of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ magazine is available today
MISSOULA, Mont. – The winter issue of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers’ quarterly magazine, Backcountry Journal, hit mailboxes across the continent last week. This issue is the perfect complement to a warm fire in the fireplace this winter. Here’s a highlight reel:
Alaska Roadless Clash Continues: Alaska BHA member Bjorn Dihle hunts blacktail deer in the Tongass and explores the current battle over its roadless areas. “The fate of the Tongass is akin to the battle of Thermopylae, where a small group of Spartans and other Greek warriors fought hundreds of thousands of invaders who wanted to pillage their home.” (Learn more and take action on the BHA website.)
Backcountry Ice Fishing 101: BHA Minnesota chapter board member Lukas Leaf gives the lowdown on how to be safe and successful when ice fishing the backcountry – and updates us on the prospects of industrial mining within the Boundary Waters watershed.
Circling Back: Sometimes you have to revisit your roots as a hunter. BHA Michigan member Jon Osborn revisits memories of his youth with a squirrel hunt. While at it, he is reminded of the many reasons why we hunt.
The Last Hunt: BHA member Chris Lewinski braves the snow and wind on a late-season flintlock muzzleloader hunt in Pennsylvania and reflects on the value of solitude in the field and a warm fire waiting in the cabin along the way.
An Amazing First: BHA Idaho member Jay Dahlstrom takes his young daughter on her first hunt for mule deer where lessons are learned and memories are made, highlighting the importance of getting our youth out in the field early and often.
Backcountry Journal is distributed to BHA members, elected officials and land management agencies. It also is available in a digital flipbook edition, available to members on the BHA website. Join BHA today to get your copy.
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