The Indiana BHA Chapter had an excellent year in 2022. Membership recruitment and engagement was a top priority, with the objective of allowing the Indiana BHA community to grow so that we can make a widespread impact on Indiana conservation initiatives. This objective continually carries into the work that the chapter does, whether it’s through various events, fundraising efforts, policy work, and community outreach. Through membership growth and engagement, we can continue spreading the mission of BHA and improving the overall experience for all outdoor pursuits!
The Indiana Chapter has gained value and credibility through various efforts around the state. This has led to our invitation to a seat at the table with a steering committee that had an objective of creating a proposal for increase funding for Indiana DNR. You can read more about that endeavor here: Indiana BHA Assisting w/ DNR Revenue Planning - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers & here Working Group Commences Meetings to find Viable Funding - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
The Indiana Chapter also gained three state partners for the 2022 year. Sportsmans Warehouse -Greenwood signed on as a state partner and assisted the chapter with monetary and product donations. They also allowed the chapter to post a booth at their front entrance and chat with folks about BHA and Indiana conservation. West Boggs Park was a state partner for the second year and provided monetary assistance and also provided the chapter with the state rendezvous facility free of charge. The third entity wanted to remain anonymous but assisted greatly with the Deer and Turkey Expo Pint Night! Our goal is to obtain five total sponsors in 2023.
We operated two great membership recruitment campaigns in 2022. The first started with the January ATA Show pint night and ran through the end of February. Two lucky winners received either an awesome set of Vortex Diamondback binos or a Worksharp Knife/Tool Sharpener. The second membership drive was hosted during the Public Lands Month of September. Throughout this month the any new or renewals were entered into an opportunity to win a $250 gift card to Waltons! Between both endeavors, the chapter increased membership by nearly 100 members!
Chapter board Treasurer, Ben Stout was able to get the chapter a grant through Bendix, which allowed the chapter to assist with two great projects. One was the purchase and planting of a pollinator mix and the second was maintenance to the Pisgah Boardwalk through the Pisgah Marsh.
The Indiana Chapter hosted numerous events throughout 2022! The events hosted by BHA chapters typically stay within four main concepts.
Stewardship – These events are some of the best, as they are boots on the ground grass root projects that allow members to get their hands dirty alongside fellow conservationists! These events are often most often hosted on either state owned DNR managed properties or on Federal managed properties such as the Hoosier National Forest. However, the chapter has assisted with local park systems in the past too!
Education– Education events are often virtual but certainly pack a punch of knowledge. Many of these events cater to speakers with mastery of knowledge of certain topics that engage and educate participants.
Fundraising – These events are often the most fun as they incorporate a number of social occurrences and the opportunity for the chapter to raise money that goes directly back into conservation.
Social – These events allow the chapter to move around the state to host a variety of social events such as the famed BHA Pint Night.
Many of the events we hosted in 2022 were a combination of these concepts. Here are the 2022 list of events:
- January 7th- Joint Pint Night at Against the Grain Brewery with the KY BHA Chapter during the 2022 ATA Show in Louisville
- February 10th – Conservation Lunch at IN Statehouse
- February 24-27th – Indianapolis Boat Sport and Travel show booth with a Pint Night at Half Liter BBQ on the 24th
- March 15th – Indiana Ecology and Natural History virtual education
- March 21st – Pollinator planting at JE Roush Lake FWA – part of a Bendix Grant
- March 26th – Cleanup day at Wabashinki FWA followed by Pint Night in Terre Haute
- April 13th – Our annual Turkey Talk
- April 16th – TriCounty FWA Public Lands Packout and Pint Night at Hoplore
- April 21st – Wild Edibles Virtual learning with Jules Erwin
- June 18th – Work day at Crosley FWA IN BHA Public Lands Packout at Crosley FWA - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
- June 25th – What the Ruck/Hike to Hunt at Chain ‘O’ Lakes State Park
- September 9-11th – 2nd Annual Indiana Chapter Rendezvous at Glendale FWA 2022 Indiana Chapter Rendezvous - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
- October 15th – Pisgah Boardwalk Maintenance at Pisgah Marsh
- November 9th – Pint Night with Pheasants & Quail Forever at The District Tap IN BHA Partners with PF & QF - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
The Indiana Chapter is diving into their 2023 plan! They have two great events already in the works for 2023.
January 12 – ATA Show Indianapolis, 2023 ATA Pint Night - Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
And we will be back at the Deer and Turkey Expo February 23-26th with our Pint Night on Thursday the 23rd, stay tuned for a prime location.
Stay tuned for more information on these two events along with other great events, projects, and education. Our Indiana Chapter is excited to begin the 2023 year with some great new events and exciting ideas for membership engagement! If you have any questions or want to get involved with the chapter leadership, please email us at [email protected] and express your interest! We are always looking for event ideas, corporate partner leads, and great volunteers.
Please check out some of the great experiences below!