Join the Indiana BHA Chapter, Indiana State University BHA Club, and the Indiana DNR staff as we head back to Wabashiki FWA for a habitat work day. Beginning at 9:30am on April 15th, we will be cutting and removing a variety of invasive shrubs (mainly autumn olive and multi-flora rose) at a recently acquired 80 acre parcel of the Wabashiki FWA. We are excited to assist DNR with cleanup of this newly acquired property as this will certainly improve the quality of habitat for all species. Please dress for the weather and bring along a pair of quality gloves.
Attendees will also have the option of cleaning up the facility by picking up any litter on the property! We encourage folks to come out and help clean up the grounds while others are removing invasives!
After you work up a thirst, head over to Afterburner Brewing Company for a BHA pint night! We hope to be at this veteran owned facility by 3pm, and then we can enjoy their wonderful variety of brews while everyone will have a chance to swap stories, share plans, and continue great conversations!
If you can't make the workday, we hope that you can still come over to Afterburner and chat with us!
A little bonus: We will have some signed copies of "That Wild Country" by Mark Kenyon of Meateater to give away!!
*Event times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)
RSVP so that we know you're coming!