The Indiana Chapter hosted their annual Turkey Talk on April 13th. Two turkey experts joined the virtual session and educated the attendees on various aspects of turkey hunting and biology. This even is always well attended and participants always leave with additional knowledge and anticipation of the upcoming season!
The Indiana Chapter has a very great working relationship with the Indiana DNR. The chapter performs various clean up days, habitat restoration, and invasive species mitigation with the state of Indiana on an annual basis. They've started off well in 2022 with several cleanup days around the state.
March 26th found the IN chapter working with DNR and the Vigo County Parks Department at the Wabashiki Fish and Wildlife Area on the west central side of Indiana. The chapter picked up multiple pick-up truck loads of waste around two public access points. This area of the FWA is a high traffic area and is seen by numerous folks. The chapter then went to Moggers Pub in Terre Haute where they had a chance to collaborate with students and professors at Indiana State University where they hope to begin a collegiate club. Progress is being made at Indiana State and they hope the collegiate club will form by the beginning of the autumn semester! The chapter also learned that day about how the Recreation Management program at ISU is relocating to the Political Science Department and will rebrand to the Public Lands Administration and Non-For-Profit Management. True to line with Backcountry Hunters and Anglers! They are looking forward to learning more about this program.
On April 9th, our chapter Vice Chair John Kinney assisted with the Bluegrass FWA and IN DNR with a spring cleanup. The Bluegrass FWA is located in southwestern Indiana and encompasses 2500 acres with just over 600 acres of water.
The chapter hosted a pack-out at the Tri-County Fish and Wildlife Area on April 16th. Tri-County FWA is a great piece of public property that serves the residents in the northern part of Indiana. This 3500 acres piece of public property has over 650 acres of water and with 10 bodies of water being natural lakes. The participants were able to team up with IN DNR to clean up sections and access areas of this facility. Following was a great social occasion at the HopLore Brewing establishment. Some new members attended this event and are THRILLED to be part of the BHA family!
The Indiana Chapter hosted a virtual Wild Edibles event on April 21st. A wild edible expert from Indiana University was the guest speaker at this event and educated over 20 attendees about the various wild edible plants commonly found around Indiana and the Midwest. Most but not all were native plants, but some highlights are common herbs that were brought by some of the first settlers.
The Indiana Chapter has also accrued some great State Sponsors for the year! Sportsmans Warehouse in Indianapolis, West Boggs Park, and Knuckle Bustin Retrievers
Coming up:
Work day at Crosley Fish and Wildlife Area on June 18th. This is in the Southeast section of Indiana which gives the IN Chapter a chance to reach out to that area of the state!
Planning for the 2nd Annual Chapter Rendezvous in September at the Glendale FWA Campground. More info coming soon.