Idaho BHA designs and produces signs to help deter illegal motorized use

Idaho BHA volunteers worked with the US Forest Service and a local business partner to help design signs to remind motorized users to ride legally.  BHA had the design printed on heavy-duty metal signs with a reflective coating that will make them visible at night.  The signs have 6 pre-drilled holes to make installation easy on a variety of different surfaces.  

This upcoming summer, Idaho BHA volunteers will be working with public land management agencies around the state to place these signs in areas that are being impacted by illegal motorized use.  This effort was primarily lead by Idaho BHA volunteer Dan Herrig of Boise.  Dan serves as Idaho BHA's Habitat Watch Coordinator and volunteers a great deal of his time when he is pursuing big game with his traditional self-bow or training his new bird dog.  

BHA offers up to $500 in reward for reports or information that leads to a conviction of illegal motorized users. 

About Idaho BHA

The Idaho chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is a group united by a passion to protect and conserve public land forests, mountains, prairies, streams and lakes that support our hunting and angling traditions.

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