Idaho BHA Awards Conservation Scholarship

remington web 2The Idaho Chapter of BHA is pleased to announce the Conservation Officer's Youth Camp Scholarship to 10 year-old Remington, of Wilder, ID!

In his scholarship essay, Remington indicated he is excited at the prospect of learning new skills, is considering a career as a Conservation Officer, and is looking forward to becoming "an avid and passionate outdoorsman." Sounds like he is well on his way. 

Remington was nominated by BHA member Steve Gale. The Idaho Chapter of BHA is proud to be able to contribute to providing these types of opportunities to our young people.

remmington webWith this scholarship award Remington will attend the 2013 Idaho Conservation Officer's Association (ICOA) youth camp. The camp offers young men and women (ages 10-12) the opportunity to experience positive interaction with Conservation Officers and seeks to "cultivate in young people a respect for natural resources and for the Idaho Conservation Officers who work to protect, preserve, and perpetuate those resources". Successful campers are awarded a hunter safety certificate at the conclusion of camp activities.

Camp activities include: a range day,  instruction in fisheries, wildlife, firearm and archery safety, trapping and a day float on the Payette River. The camp is held at the Trinity Pines camp located near Cascade, ID, August 12-16.
Congratulations Remington!
About Caitlin Thompson

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