This fall, hunters will have public hunting opportunities on 500,000 acres of Colorado State Trust Lands that were inaccessible to public hunters just three years ago. This expansion of public hunting opportunity was made possible through years of hard work by Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) staff, funding provided by a license fee increase, and public land owners from across the country urging decision makers to expand public hunting and fishing access on Colorado’s state trust lands.
Heeding this call, CPW helped implement an expansion of public hunting that now provides seasonal access to roughly one-third of Colorado’s state trust lands, for licensed hunters and anglers. Properties now enrolled are listed in CPW’s 2021 Recreational Brochure and mapped on the Hunt Atlas. This public access expansion will provide new funding for trust beneficiaries, while also greatly expanding public hunting and fishing opportunities in the state.
"Access is one of the most important issues facing hunters today. Backcountry Hunters & Anglers applauds CPW and the State Land Board for their leadership in expanding the Public Access Program to nearly 1 million acres. This is a windfall that will benefit local communities and hunters state wide for years to come. We are committed to supporting this program in the longterm and believe we have more work to do." - Brien Webster, Program Manager, BHA
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