To better serve our members and mission, Maine BHA is looking for several motivated volunteers who are willing to take the lead and to organize other volunteers in key program areas. Time commitment will vary, but expect to spend 10-15 hours per month between working on specific tasks and internal communication.
Events and Workshops Coordinator. Events and workshops are typically organized by a small team of volunteers. The Events and Workshops Coordinator will work with others on the leadership to team to develop ideas for events, work with the Learning Skills Coordinator and other event organizers to help keep planning on track, develop announcements to promote the event, and follow up with post even wrap-up. This is a key position that helps BHA deliver programming to keep our membership engaged.
Learning Skills (R3) Coordinator. Passing on knowledge to fellow members and others is a key element of BHA’s mission and has always been a core component of Maine BHAs work. These days organizations are talking about “R3,” which stands for “Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation.” BHA attracts many people interested in hunting and fishing that do not have family or friends to teach them the necessary skills and we are in a strong position to help those folks develop become active and ethical outdoorspeople. The R3 coordinator will help the chapter develop in-person and online skills workshops on developing hunting, fishing, and other outdoor skills.
Wildlife Policy Coordinator. Maine BHA through personal contacts and measured approaches to issues has developed a strong relationship with the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. We are looking for someone with knowledge of wildlife and hunting in Maine to the take lead on this effort. Tasks will involve tracking legislation and agency activities that affect wildlife management, developing relationships with Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife staff, and helping the team develop positions on wildlife issues as they develop.
Fisheries Policy Coordinator. The job of the fisheries coordinator will mirror that of the wildlife coordinator. In addition keeping an eye on Maine fisheries issues, at times there will be coordination with other coastal New England states on policies related to striped bass and other fish that are managed by federal agencies.
Communications Coordinator. Maine BHA communicates with members though email Instagram, Facebook, BHA Backcountry Journal, and the New England Chapter page on the BHA website. The Communications Coordinator will work with event and workshop organizers and the Chapter Coordinator to post notices and highlights of events, help the policy team get the message out about BHA issues in Maine, and, provide content to the Maine Backcountry Newsletter Editor, and in general, help keep the membership informed.
Other volunteer opportunities. Not ready to take on a formal role, but you want to get more engaged? Do you have an event idea or public lands or waters clean-up opportunity? Would you like help lead at hunting, fishing and backcountry skills workshops, become a mentor to new hunters and anglers, or get involved in Women in the Woods? Are there hunting, fishing & public lands policy issues that you’d like to work on? Would you just like to get your feet wet by helping staff a table at a BHA event? If you answered yes to any of these questions or would otherwise like to help please contact us.
How to Apply
If you’re interested in helping BHA further its mission in Maine please send an email to [email protected] with the following information.
- Contact information: Name, address, email, and phone (mobile preferred)
- Your specific area of interest (one of the open positions, or other volunteer opportunities)
- Brief background and primary interests in hunting, fishing, and other outdoor skills. (If you’re new to hunting and fishing and willing to pitch in, that’s ok too!)
- Any specific skills you have that relate to your area of interest.
- Ideas you might have on how to develop BHAs programs in your area of interest.
- Average number of hours that you would be willing to commit each week. (Typically things are busiest in the first half of the year when we are in the planning mode for events and workshops and the Legislature is active. We often host events in summer and hunting workshops in early fall, but the “Gone Hunting” sign is on the door for much of the hunting season.)
- Other comments and questions.