August Goose Lake Habitat Stewardship Work Day
August 24
Starting at 9am
Goose Lake Wildlife Area
Marshall, WI









4 Attending

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event_title: August Goose Lake Habitat Stewardship Work Day

event_time_zone: America/Chicago

event_start: August 24, 2024 09:00

event_duration: 360

event_end: August 24, 2024 15:00

event_address: Marshall, WI 53559, United States

event_description: Join Wisconsin BHA for a Habitat Stewardship Workday at Goose Lake Wildlife Area.Join chapter members to help with trash clean-up, habitat restoration, and invasive brush control in preparation for the upcoming hunting season. You can even get some pre-season scouting in. Goose Lake Wildlife Area is a 2,296-acre property consisting of approximately 570 acres of open grassland, 550 acres of mixed hardwoods upland forest, 430 acres of open marsh and floating sedge meadow, 700 acres of shrub carr and brushy uplands and 40 acres of tamarack bog.Volunteers should bring: Weather-appropriate work clothingBug RepellentWork glovesWater bottleLunch and snacksThis event is open to any & all, so invite your friends, families, and hunting buddies. The more the merrier!Please reach out to Tom Olson at or 715-207-7048 with any questions. 

August Goose Lake Habitat Stewardship Work Day

Join Wisconsin BHA for a Habitat Stewardship Workday at Goose Lake Wildlife Area.

Join chapter members to help with trash clean-up, habitat restoration, and invasive brush control in preparation for the upcoming hunting season. You can even get some pre-season scouting in. 

Goose Lake Wildlife Area is a 2,296-acre property consisting of approximately 570 acres of open grassland, 550 acres of mixed hardwoods upland forest, 430 acres of open marsh and floating sedge meadow, 700 acres of shrub carr and brushy uplands and 40 acres of tamarack bog.

Volunteers should bring:

  • Weather-appropriate work clothing
  • Bug Repellent
  • Work gloves
  • Water bottle
  • Lunch and snacks

This event is open to any & all, so invite your friends, families, and hunting buddies. The more the merrier!

Please reach out to Tom Olson at [email protected] or 715-207-7048 with any questions. 

August 24, 2024 at 9:00am - 3pm
Goose Lake Wildlife Area
Marshall, WI 53559
United States
Google map and directions
Miles Thompson · · 920-579-1878
Anna Brose Ted Gries Tom Olson

Who's RSVPing

Anna Brose
Ted Gries
Francisco Contreras Jr
Tom Olson

Will you come?