GOSA Public Lands Panel w/ Patagonia
October 13
Starting at 5pm
Atlanta, GA









63 Attending

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event_title: GOSA Public Lands Panel w/ Patagonia

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: October 13, 2018 17:00

event_duration: 300

event_end: October 13, 2018 22:00

event_address: 34 E Andrews Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30305, United States

event_description: Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and Patagonia are hosting the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act Public Lands Panel on October 13th at 5 PM at the Patagonia store in Atlanta. The event is centered around a panel of experts on public land in the Georgia including legislators, agency staff, corporate sponsors, and nonprofit leaders. This event launches a multi-year state-wide effort to raise awareness of public lands in Georgia. It is a critical time to talk about public lands with the upcoming November vote on the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act (GOSA). If you hunt or fish in the state, GOSA should be one of the most important issues for you when you go to the ballot box. If GOSA passes it will provide a significant source of funding for the acquisition new public lands, the management of existing public lands, and improvement of access. If you care about hunting and fishing in Georgia you should play an active role in conserving those opportunities by joining us on October 13th to celebrate our sporting heritage.

GOSA Public Lands Panel w/ Patagonia

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and Patagonia are hosting the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act Public Lands Panel on October 13th at 5 PM at the Patagonia store in Atlanta. The event is centered around a panel of experts on public land in the Georgia including legislators, agency staff, corporate sponsors, and nonprofit leaders. This event launches a multi-year state-wide effort to raise awareness of public lands in Georgia. It is a critical time to talk about public lands with the upcoming November vote on the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act (GOSA). If you hunt or fish in the state, GOSA should be one of the most important issues for you when you go to the ballot box. If GOSA passes it will provide a significant source of funding for the acquisition new public lands, the management of existing public lands, and improvement of access. If you care about hunting and fishing in Georgia you should play an active role in conserving those opportunities by joining us on October 13th to celebrate our sporting heritage.

October 13, 2018 at 5:00pm - 10pm
34 E Andrews Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30305
United States
Google map and directions
Gunner Hall ·
Timothy Taylor Trip Alexander Jeremy Delk Nick Squeglia Kevin Harper Ermias Bizuwork Jenna Novic Wes Neal Marc Thompson Jordan Hendricks Stephanie Stuckey Warren Mullis Durrell Smith Erickson Tweedy Lauren Bridwell Alex Gilbert Henry Jackson Bryan Garcia Bill Duffy Tyler Brock Bill Bridwell hunter cooper Stephen Goin Crispin Henry Gunner Hall Bryan Fisher Steven Lowe

Who's RSVPing

Timothy Taylor
Trip Alexander
Jeremy Delk
Nick Squeglia
Kevin Harper
Ermias Bizuwork
Jenna Novic
Wes Neal
Marc Thompson
Jordan Hendricks
Stephanie Stuckey
Warren Mullis
Durrell Smith
Erickson Tweedy
Lauren Bridwell
Alex Gilbert
Henry Jackson
Bryan Garcia
Bill Duffy
Tyler Brock
Bill Bridwell
hunter cooper
Stephen Goin
Crispin Henry
Gunner Hall
Bryan Fisher
Steven Lowe

Will you come?