Full Draw Film Tour is back for 2024, and these bowhunting films by independent filmmakers never disappoint! Join us for ‘Your Journey’ presented by ONXHUNT!! Full Draw is here to unite outdoorsman for a great night of adventure that will surely get you fired up for all your fall pursuits! Not to mention you’ll have a chance at fantastic FREE door prizes from all the great Full Draw Film sponsors.
Check out the OFFICIAL trailer here:
Doors open at 6pm for an hour of social time where you can pick up your raffle tickets, get some of the newest BHA merchandise, and meet some like-minded folks! The inspiring films will begin promptly at 7pm!
This is out OUTDOOR venue, so you're welcome to bring you own chairs to enjoy the show!! Food and beverage trucks will be present, so come hungry and thirsty!
Have a chance to walk away with some cool free stuff courtesy of the Full Draw Sponsors:
The Missouri BHA Chapter will also have some awesome raffle items such as:
JOIN or RENEW your BHA Membership for a chance at $1,000 to XOP Treestands!
$1,000 Credit to XOP Treestands will be awarded to ONE (1) person that Joins OR Renews their BHA membership at one of the Full Draw Film events hosted by Backcountry Hunters & Anglers throughout the summer of 2024. Currently, BHA will be hosting ten (10) shows around the country, so your odds are pretty good to WIN BIG!!
For additional Full Draw Film Dates and Locations, check out their Events Calendar by CLICKING HERE!