Fried Heart Strips

Heart is something my family always overlooked when I was growing up. Like many, we stuck to the classic cuts of meat and didn't utilize organ meat well. My husband changed that when he did a quick fry of heart strips and I realized what I was missing. Over the years, I've modified it from his recipe and it has become a favorite with our own family! This is a quick, easy weeknight meal that we look forward to with every animal we harvest. As with all breading recipes, there's lots of room for putting your own spin on it or adding your favorite seasonings to change the flavor. If you're looking for more variations, try subbing taco seasoning and using these on a taco salad or adding cajun seasoning and making a heart po'boy!

The measurements in this recipe work well for a deer or pronghorn, for elk or moose double the ingredients!


Fried Heart Strips


  • 1/2 to 1 cup butter, frying oil, or bear lard
  • 1 heart, trimmed and cut into strips
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 Tbsp garlic salt
  • 1/2 Tbsp ground black pepper
  • 2 eggs


Cooking Instructions

  1. Mix flour, garlic salt and pepper in a bowl.
  2. Crack two eggs into separate bowl and lightly scramble.
  3. Heat oil, butter, or lard in a heavy pan on medium temperature.
  4. Dip strips into egg, then flour, coating well. Repeat for a thicker breading if you like. 
  5. Fry breaded pieces in the pan for about 2 min per side until golden brown - adjust heat and time as necessary.

Dip in your favorite steak finger sauce and enjoy! 


About Anne Jolliff

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