Fort Liberty AFI Learn to Hunt Deer Clinic
August 3
Starting at 8am
Fort Liberty Wildlife branch
Fort Liberty, NC









7 Attending

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event_title: Fort Liberty AFI Learn to Hunt Deer Clinic

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: August 03, 2024 08:00

event_duration: 480

event_end: August 03, 2024 16:00

event_address: 5094 McKellars Rd, Fort Liberty, NC 28307, United States

event_description: Why You Should Want to Attend:What is the Learn to Hunt Program?Learn to Hunt Workshops address informational barriers to participation and primarily meant for those who are interested in hunting, but don’tknow how to get started. The Learn to Hunt program provides a surrogate mentored experience for those lacking social support via existing hunting family member or friend.Learn to Hunt workshops are designed to teach new to hunting individuals "how to hunt" via a multi-faceted hunting-related skills and strategiesexperience and then begin hunting on their own, or with the support from family member and friends following the Learn to Hunt.Potential hunts, although not guaranteed, may/might follow the Learn to Hunt workshop, but are largely dependent on conservation partnersupport (i.e., experienced hunter volunteers) with dates/times TBD and individuals must complete the Learn to Hunt workshop to be eligible….noexceptions.Learn to Hunt Program training audience:NEVER Hunted (primary target audience).MINIMAL Hunting Experience (you have NOT ACTIVELY hunted for MORE than THREE years).LACKING Social Support (you have no readily available hunting family members or friends).LAPSED (non-active) hunters including those that have NEVER harvested big game (i.e., turkey or deer).Learn To Hunt Program Attendance Pre-requirementsHunter Safety Certification: Hunter Education Courses (Online, virtual and in person courses are available)VALID NC Hunting License: Hunting, Fishing and Trapping LicensesQuestions regarding hunting license requirements contact NCWRC Customer Service Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 833-950-0575 or by emailat addition to RSVPing, you must email to register! When is it:August 3rd 8:00am - 4:00pm Where is it:Fort Liberty Wildlife branch5094 McKellars Rd,Fort Liberty, NC 28307 Who can attend:- This event is open to all members of the military community(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend (but we sure would appreciate it if you were)In addition to RSVPing, you must email to register!For any questions, please contact Justin Dermond or Hunter Owen atfortlibertyafibackcountryhunters.orgorAFI_SkillsbridgeBackcountryhunters.orgCome see why BHAs Armed Forces Initiative is the fastest-growing outdoor program for the military community and help bring more folks outdoors in North Carolina.

Fort Liberty AFI Learn to Hunt Deer Clinic

Why You Should Want to Attend:

What is the Learn to Hunt Program?
Learn to Hunt Workshops address informational barriers to participation and primarily meant for those who are interested in hunting, but don’t
know how to get started. The Learn to Hunt program provides a surrogate mentored experience for those lacking social support via existing hunting family member or friend.

Learn to Hunt workshops are designed to teach new to hunting individuals "how to hunt" via a multi-faceted hunting-related skills and strategies
experience and then begin hunting on their own, or with the support from family member and friends following the Learn to Hunt.
Potential hunts, although not guaranteed, may/might follow the Learn to Hunt workshop, but are largely dependent on conservation partner
support (i.e., experienced hunter volunteers) with dates/times TBD and individuals must complete the Learn to Hunt workshop to be eligible….no

Learn to Hunt Program training audience:

NEVER Hunted (primary target audience).
MINIMAL Hunting Experience (you have NOT ACTIVELY hunted for MORE than THREE years).
LACKING Social Support (you have no readily available hunting family members or friends).
LAPSED (non-active) hunters including those that have NEVER harvested big game (i.e., turkey or deer).

Learn To Hunt Program Attendance Pre-requirements
Hunter Safety Certification: Hunter Education Courses (Online, virtual and in person courses are available)
VALID NC Hunting License: Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses
Questions regarding hunting license requirements contact NCWRC Customer Service Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. @ 833-950-0575 or by email
at [email protected].

In addition to RSVP'ing, you must email [email protected] to register!


When is it:

August 3rd 8:00am - 4:00pm


Where is it:

Fort Liberty Wildlife branch

5094 McKellars Rd,

Fort Liberty, NC 28307


Who can attend:

- This event is open to all members of the military community

(Active duty, Reserves, National Guard, Veterans, and Gold Star families)

- You do not need to be a BHA member to attend 

(but we sure would appreciate it if you were)

In addition to RSVP'ing, you must email [email protected] to register!

For any questions, please contact Justin Dermond or Hunter Owen at

[email protected]


[email protected]

Come see why BHA's Armed Forces Initiative is the fastest-growing outdoor program for the military community and help bring more folks outdoors in North Carolina.

August 03, 2024 at 8:00am - 4pm
Fort Liberty Wildlife branch
5094 McKellars Rd
Fort Liberty, NC 28307
United States
Google map and directions
Justin Dermond ·
Sean Harris Ryan Erskine Josh Davis

Who's RSVPing

Sean Harris
Ryan Erskine
Josh Davis

Will you come?