Foraging and Forest Health Hike
June 30
Starting at 9am
Clifty Mountain Trailhead, Kaniksu National Forest
Bonners Ferry









14 Attending

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event_title: Foraging and Forest Health Hike

event_time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

event_start: June 30, 2024 09:00

event_duration: 300

event_end: June 30, 2024 14:00

event_address: Bonners Ferry, United States

event_description:  Come join us for a hike on Clifty Mountain on the Kaniksu National Forest to learn about foraging and forest health. Participants will learn how to make spruce syrup as well as talk about other foraged plants we see along the hike. At the top of Clifty, hikers will have a great view of part of an upcoming Forest Service Project area as well as views of private timberland to discuss forest health issues and how they impact wildlife. The hike is 1.7 miles one way, on a narrow forest hiking trail, with about a 1000ft of elevation gain. Participants should come prepared for mountain weather with appropriate clothes, hiking shoes, water, and snacks. We will cancel the event if thunderstorms are predicted due to the exposed nature of some of the trail. Hikers of all ages welcome, this is a family friendly event. 

Foraging and Forest Health Hike


Come join us for a hike on Clifty Mountain on the Kaniksu National Forest to learn about foraging and forest health. Participants will learn how to make spruce syrup as well as talk about other foraged plants we see along the hike. At the top of Clifty, hikers will have a great view of part of an upcoming Forest Service Project area as well as views of private timberland to discuss forest health issues and how they impact wildlife. 

The hike is 1.7 miles one way, on a narrow forest hiking trail, with about a 1000ft of elevation gain. Participants should come prepared for mountain weather with appropriate clothes, hiking shoes, water, and snacks. We will cancel the event if thunderstorms are predicted due to the exposed nature of some of the trail. Hikers of all ages welcome, this is a family friendly event. 

June 30, 2024 at 9:00am - 2pm
Clifty Mountain Trailhead, Kaniksu National Forest
Bonners Ferry
United States
Google map and directions
Melissa Hendrickson ·
Zac Swank Jeremy Brown Thesi Hurt Rome Fiore Kyla Berendzen Melissa Hendrickson

Who's RSVPing

Zac Swank
Jeremy Brown
Thesi Hurt
Rome Fiore
Kyla Berendzen
Melissa Hendrickson

Will you come?