Drew Kazenski grew up in rural central Illinois and was raised from the beginning with a deep understanding and respect for hunting, fishing and conservation. Over the past year, Drew has been helping steer the ship at the Illinois Chapter of BHA working on fish habitat structure builds at Lake Shelbyville in partnership with the Army Corps of Engineers, spreading the word about BHA at Scholastic 3-D Archery (S3DA) Youth archery events, and laying plans to build a public BHA archery range.
Outdated water rights laws in Illinois have recently led to complicated court hearings and rulings hostile to public land owners. Drew and Illinois BHA are working to educate the public about these rules and advocate to allow better access without fear of trespassing. Drew penned a recent op-ed that was published in the Chicago Tribune and calls on legislators to change those antiquated laws.
You can also keep an eye out in the Fall 2022 Backcountry Journal for Drew’s Story “Flatlander’s Elk.” Congratulations, Drew, on your recent publications, and thank you for all you do for BHA.