Director of Policy and Government Relations

Kaden McArthur

Kaden originally hails from northern Utah where he cut his teeth hunting, fishing and recreating on public lands. His passion for conservation collided with his interest in policy during his time at Utah State University, where he received a B.S. in law and constitutional studies with a minor in environmental studies and was actively involved in his BHA collegiate chapter.  

He spent a brief time as a campaign coordinator for Utah Rivers Council working on water conservation policy before moving to Washington, D.C. Following that he spent two years working at Alaska Wilderness League on their government relations team, focused on protecting public lands and waters in America’s Arctic and the Tongass National Forest. Joining the BHA staff allowed him to continue conservation policy work while returning closer to his roots as a sportsman. 

In recent years Kaden has become an eager fly fisherman and when he is not on Capitol Hill he can be found searching for new streams and trails. As often as he can, Kaden heads back West to chase mule deer, elk and pronghorn. 

Contact Kaden:

[email protected]
