Coy Hill WMA Cleanup
June 4
Starting at 9:45am
Coy Hill WMA
West Brookfield, MA









6 Attending

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event_title: Coy Hill WMA Cleanup

event_time_zone: America/New_York

event_start: June 04, 2023 09:45

event_duration: 180

event_end: June 04, 2023 12:45

event_address: 85 Coy Hill Rd, West Brookfield, MA 01585, United States

event_description:  Calling all Massachusetts BHA members! Help us support our friends at MassWildlife by taking part in one of their WMA cleanups at the beautiful Coy Hill WMA in West Brookfield. This cleanup will give BHA members an opportunity to get out there and make a difference on our public lands while also meeting community members, members of other MA outdoor organizations, and MassWildlife staff.The event will include 2 hours of cleanup followed by a picnic lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks, etc. Please register with us here and then let MassWildlife know you are coming by clicking here. 

Coy Hill WMA Cleanup


Calling all Massachusetts BHA members! Help us support our friends at MassWildlife by taking part in one of their WMA cleanups at the beautiful Coy Hill WMA in West Brookfield. This cleanup will give BHA members an opportunity to get out there and make a difference on our public lands while also meeting community members, members of other MA outdoor organizations, and MassWildlife staff.

The event will include 2 hours of cleanup followed by a picnic lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, drinks, etc. 

Please register with us here and then let MassWildlife know you are coming by clicking here

June 04, 2023 at 9:45am - 12:45pm
Coy Hill WMA
85 Coy Hill Rd
West Brookfield, MA 01585
United States
Google map and directions
Allison Crim ·
Jonathan Lucier Jr. Christopher Todd Fernando Gonzalez Zohar Gonen

Who's RSVPing

Jonathan Lucier Jr.
Christopher Todd
Fernando Gonzalez
Zohar Gonen

Will you come?