Colorado Hunters & Anglers Applaud Movement on Wildlife Corridor Conservation

Today, the state of Colorado took an important step toward advancing conservation measures of critical big game corridors through the release of a report, “Opportunities to Improve Sensitive Habitat and Movement Route Connectivity for Colorado's Big Game Species.” This report was crafted in response to Gov. Jared Polis’ executive order on the conservation of big game winter range and migration corridors, which was adopted in August 2019. To build upon this momentum, Gov. Polis officially proclaimed Sept. 29 as Habitat Connectivity Day

“We appreciate the important steps being taken by the state agencies responsible for sustaining Colorado’s robust big game populations, and longstanding big game hunting traditions," said Brien Webster, BHA program coordinator. "The report released today will help provide a needed vision of success and action items to help us get there. Through hunting and fishing license sales, the Colorado Habitat Stamp and federal excise taxes on sporting equipment, hunters and anglers have invested billions in the conservation of big game populations. We’re grateful to see the state outline conservation and funding needs for minimizing the growing impacts our big game populations are facing as Colorado’s population continues to grow rapidly. 

"From growing recreational uses on public lands to increasing traffic levels on our roadways, our wildlife populations are facing unprecedented strains that warrant cohesive action," Webster continued. "Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers stands ready to work alongside our state agencies to advance this needed wildlife conservation work.” 

To help stay apprised of the many ways Colorado BHA is working to advance wildlife migration work on your public lands, please contact us here.

About Tim Brass

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