Five clubs participated in BHA's 2nd annual Public Lands Pack Out by planning events to pick up trash in the month of September.
Utah State University
The conditions were not what we hoped but the dedication of every single volunteer was beyond what we imagined. With a little more than half of last years attendance we were able to remove nearly the same amount of trash. It rained most of the time we worked and cleared up just in time to celebrate our hard work with some great food from the local Texas Roadhouse. A huge thank you the USU BHA board and to every single person who came out to give back to our public lands. As a club our goal is to make this pack out like this happen multiple times a year with the fuel it has during Public Lands month. Our hope is to ignite the passion of good stewardship of the land into every single person that attends these events.
North Carolina State University
Thirteen club members and other volunteer participants pulled out over 10 bags of trash from one of Jordan Lake Gameland canoe access points. No tires found this year but we did manage to find, what was a one point, a fancy looking rug and a pair of jorts. This was our first outing since the start of COVID and there was no better way to celebrate Public Lands Day than restoring OUR public lands together as a club.