event_title: CLAM JAM
event_time_zone: America/Denver
event_start: March 26, 2023 08:30
event_duration: 240
event_end: March 26, 2023 12:30
event_address: 2275 S Promenade , Seaside, OR 97138, United States
event_description: ***EVENT POSTPONED PENDING TOXIN LEVELS***OR BHA Razor Clam Jam!Have you wanted to learn how to harvest razor clams on your public beaches? Or maybe just to meet up with other BHA members and enjoy part of Oregon’s 360 miles of public coastline? We’re having a family-friendly meet and get your clam on March 26th! Meet at 8:30 am at the End of Avenue U Seaside Promenade (2275 S Promenade, Seaside, OR 97138 for google maps). We’ll go over how to find, harvest, and even cook the delicious Razor Clam. If you have clamming gear bring it! If not, well have a select amount of clam guns and bags for participants to use for the morning.We recommend tall rubber boots, gloves, and a bucket or bag to keep your clams in.Clamming permit is required by ODFW State of Oregon: Shellfish - BUY YOUR PERMIT ONLINE HERE. Before You Harvest Clams or Mussels Please note that per ODFW regulations, Any harvested clam must be kept no matter the size.