Chapter Coordinator

Jameson Hibbs

Jameson is an Indiana native growing up in a rural neighborhood near Terre Haute, Indiana. Although his family didn't hunt or fish, he quickly found both angling and hunting through friends by the age of 13 and he never looked back. 

Jameson went to Indiana State University and obtained his bachelors’ degree in Parks & Recreation Management. During this time, he fostered an even deeper and more broad love for outdoor recreation. He then went to work at a guest ranch in southern Wyoming for two years as the Activity Coordinator. Here he began his understanding in the importance of public lands, public water access, and the great opportunities that we have in this country to recreate on public properties. 

Jameson spent 17 years as director of two county park departments in Indiana before coming over to BHA in 2022. He was an active member of the Indiana BHA Chapter. His wife and daughter are often in the field with him as they all enjoy spending time together outdoors. It's very important to Jameson that we all protect our public lands and wildlife for his daughter and future generations. 

Contact Jameson:

[email protected]   
