Brian Bird
Brian grew up on a small family dairy farm in upstate NY. This 400 acre farm was a child’s dream of swamps, deepwoods, and thickets. His first memory of hunting was as a 7 year old, siting on a milk crate in the hardwoods with his father and was hooked from that moment on. He pursues whitetail deer and turkeys with an occasional foray for small game. Growing up, the Susquehanna River was his playground and spent untold hours chasing smallmouth bass and walleyes. Today most of his fishing is through the ice on Lake George and Lake Champlain with some spring trout fishing. Brian’s first experience with the value of public land and access was while earning his doctorate degree in Geology from Western Michigan University. Although trapped in a small apartment, Michigan has abundant public landand was able to pursue deer and turkeys and expanded his fishing to include Great Lakes salmon and steelhead.
Brian, along with his wife and daughter and pup, lives on a small homestead in Whitehall, New York, situated between the southeastern edge of the Adirondack Mountains and the Green Mountains of Vermont right at southern tip of Lake Champlain with access to thousands of acres of public land and water.
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