Brush Creek Fence Removal
November 12
Starting at 9am
Brush Creek Ranch Open Space
Edwards, CO









10 Attending

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event_title: Brush Creek Fence Removal

event_time_zone: America/Denver

event_start: November 12, 2022 09:00

event_duration: 360

event_end: November 12, 2022 15:00

event_address: 8412, Edwards, CO 81632, United States

event_description: Photo: Todd Winslow Pierce (Brush Creek Valley Ranch Open Space)BHA and Eagle County Open Space are hosting an opportunity for volunteers to come out, get their hands dirty, and contribute to big game habitat conservation in Eagle, CO. (Please note the event location says it is in Edwards but this is an error within Google Maps, the event in Eagle.) Participants will assist in removing fencing in critical elk calving habitat on the Brush Creek Valley Ranch Open Space in Eagle, CO. This area abuts up against BLM land and is a favorite of the elk not only during calving season but in the Winter months as well. It is truly a site to behold. We will spend the day removing, rolling, and staging barbed wire fencing that Open Space will then pick up and transport to be recycled. Participants will meet at the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space trailhead parking lot at 9am, we will then carpool to the site. Additionally, snacks, lunch, and beverages will be provided and on hand for the day. What to bring: Leather gloves, safety glasses (sunglasses are fine), and fence tools (pliers, post puller, etc) if you have them we will also be providing tools. A water bottle (there will be a water fill station on site), sunscreen, and proper clothing for working outside in the fall and removing fence (jeans/carhartts, boots, long-sleeve shirt).  

Brush Creek Fence Removal

Photo: Todd Winslow Pierce (Brush Creek Valley Ranch Open Space)

BHA and Eagle County Open Space are hosting an opportunity for volunteers to come out, get their hands dirty, and contribute to big game habitat conservation in Eagle, CO. (Please note the event location says it is in Edwards but this is an error within Google Maps, the event in Eagle.) 

Participants will assist in removing fencing in critical elk calving habitat on the Brush Creek Valley Ranch Open Space in Eagle, CO. This area abuts up against BLM land and is a favorite of the elk not only during calving season but in the Winter months as well. It is truly a site to behold. 

We will spend the day removing, rolling, and staging barbed wire fencing that Open Space will then pick up and transport to be recycled. Participants will meet at the Brush Creek Valley Ranch and Open Space trailhead parking lot at 9am, we will then carpool to the site. Additionally, snacks, lunch, and beverages will be provided and on hand for the day. 

What to bring: Leather gloves, safety glasses (sunglasses are fine), and fence tools (pliers, post puller, etc) if you have them we will also be providing tools. A water bottle (there will be a water fill station on site), sunscreen, and proper clothing for working outside in the fall and removing fence (jeans/carhartts, boots, long-sleeve shirt).



November 12, 2022 at 9:00am - 3pm
Brush Creek Ranch Open Space
Edwards, CO 81632
United States
Google map and directions
Britt Parker · · (863) 885-1650
Jonathan Mueller Katherine Bradfish Heath Hueske Ryan Sweeney Torrey Davis Helen Carlsen

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