BLM Kicks Off Important Big Game Amendment Process in Colorado

In July the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced their intent to amend Resource Management Plans (RMPs) in Colorado to better maintain, conserve, and protect big game corridors and other big game habitat areas on BLM-managed lands, approximately 3.4 million acres. This announcement kicked off a 45-day public comment period ending on 9/2 that will shape the scope of this effort which is anticipated to take 2 years to complete. 

Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) commends the BLM for initiating this amendment process and for their leadership in recognizing the need to address activities on our public lands that are contributing to high-priority big game habitat degradation, fragmentation, and loss.  

Healthy wildlife populations depend on a suite of unfragmented habitat types. As Colorado’s resident population and visitation numbers continue to grow, the amount of land available to support our needs and the needs of wildlife remains finite. Our footprint on public lands has increased substantially and this amendment process is an important opportunity for us to assess and address the activities having the most significant impacts on big game habitat on Colorado BLM lands. The BLM is seeking information on all high-density activities that may cause disturbances to big game habitat. 

The Colorado landscape is changing rapidly and in order to sustain healthy big game populations we need to conserve high-priority habitat. CO BHA is going to be actively engaged in this process and we encourage hunters and anglers across the state to participate, to lend their voices, and contribute their insights to shape management decisions that will impact high-priority big game habitat management for decades to come.  

If you would like to comment please reach out to Brien Webster, BHA's CO-WY Coordinator and Program Manager for guidance. You can also submit your comment by following this link and learn more about the process by attending public meetings being hosted by the BLM below:

About Brien Webster

Programs Manager & Colorado & Wyoming Chapter Coordinator

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