BLM and BHA Volunteers Spearhead Habitat Stewardship Project at Irwin Recreation Site

On Sat. July 20th, BHA Volunteers joined staff from the BLM, Recreation Dept. and Idaho Fish & Game seasonals to remove a mile of fence at the newly acquired Irwin Recreation Site.



This is part of an ongoing project to improve an nearly 200 acres of land that was destined to become a golf course adjacent to a popular access site to the Snake River. Through the efforts of the BLM, this plot was purchased and improved for public use.



Thanks to the interagency collaboration and BHA assistance, nearly 3 dump trailers  of barbed wire, T-posts and scrap wood were removed from the landscape. BHA staff has since re-joined the crew at Irwin to modify fence along the property boundary. Barbed wire was replaced with wildlife friendly smooth wire, also preventing unauthorized motorized vehicle usage on the property.



About Andrew Hahne

BHA Habitat Stewardship Coordinator based out of Missoula, MT.