CA BHA Volunteers help CDFW Staff Survey Bighorn Sheep Across the Mojave!
The heat was coming and we all knew it. With a projected high of 115 for both days, we knew that getting to elevation and glassing early was our key to success. BHA volunteers, some coming from as far as San Diego and Los Angeles, gathered during the summer solstice this year to help CDFW biologists survey some of California's Desert Bighorn Sheep population. These surveys, which BHA has been helping with for years, help supplement the agency's wildlife data, leading to more accurate population estimates and a cohesion between the state scientists, the hunting community, and lovers of this iconic American species.
Throughout the weekend, we managed to see dozens of sheep in the ridges and valleys of the South Soda and Marble Mountains. Volunteers teamed up with CDFW staff to create five units that spread out across the mountains, each with their own game plan. Hikers began at 6 am sharp with instructions to be back to the trucks by noon at the latest. Teams spent the morning glassing sheep, taking notes of their sex and size. Later, we consolidated the data for the CDFW folks and shared stories of the day. Overall, we got the data we came for, had a ton of fun, and managed not to get dehydrated. It was a fantastic event, and BHA can't wait to continue aiding CDFW in this project in the future!