BHA's Position on Management of BLM O & C Lands

Jared grover fishingSenator Wyden recently initiated a process to improve management on Bureau of Land Management O & C Lands in Oregon. As sportsmen who depend on the traditional non-motorized access and high quality fish and wildlife habitat that these lands provide, we're committed to being involved in the process. BHA's position on this effort is as follows:

  • BHA believes public lands should remain in public hands.

  • BHA supports a balanced use policy for public lands in a collaborative management strategy where wildlife habitat, land, and water receive equal priority with timber management.

  • BHA believes vegetative treatments should be designed and implemented to improve forest resiliency and wildlife habitat.

  • Where appropriate, BHA supports responsible OHV use, recognizing there are areas where OHV use should be limited or prohibited due to wildlife habitat and wildlife security issues.

  • BHA supports strategic consolidation of checkerboard lands to improve management for forest resiliency, to reduce fragmentation for wildlife and public access. Any disposition of O & C lands must reflect an equal or greater gain for traditional hunting and fishing access and protection of wildlife and habitat.

*Photo couresty of Jared Grover

About Caitlin Thompson

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