2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the publication of one of the most important treatises on hunting ever written. Allen Morris Jones’ book A Quiet Place of Violence: Hunting and Ethics in the Missouri River Breaks was once best known among a kind of chosen few outdoorsmen and women, those who relished the history of their pursuit and the philosophy of immersion into landscape, wildlife, blood and meat, and finality – and who wanted to ponder the deep why of what drove them. It was a book found in bloodstained packs, on sun-cracked truck dashboards, on cabin bookshelves beside great works of the distant past: Ortega y Gasset, Teddy Roosevelt, Grancel Fitz. In the past 15 years, A Quiet Place of Violence has found a vastly larger audience among a younger generation, hunters who are coming to the pursuit on their own, without the traditions and the answers of the past. Join us for an in-depth conversation with Allen Jones, on his work and his life, on hunting, writing, philosophy, and on the (possible) banishment of abstraction.
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