BHA Members Instrumental in Conference on Connecting to Nature through Food

Written by MN BHA Co-Chair, Erik Jensen.
tws-food-conferenceThis past week, hunter educators and conservation activists from across the country met at the annual conference of The Wildlife Society in Milwaukee to discuss ways to better coordinate their efforts to reach out to adults who've become interested in hunting with motivation of acquiring healthy, free range protein. Several BHA members played key roles at this important event, titled Food for Thought: Connecting to Nature through the Food We Eat, which was part of the Wildlife Soiciety's Annual Conference.

The morning session's three keynote speakers included BHA members Tovar Cerulli and Lily Raff McCaulou.  Tovar's book "The Mindful Carnivore: A Vegetarian's Hunt for Sustenance" chronicled his compelling journey as a one-time vegan, turned hunter, as well as insightful cultural analysis on the history of hunting in America. Lily's book "Call of the Mild: Learning to Hunt My Own Dinner", is a powerful memoir of her transformation from someone with a negative view of hunters to becoming a hunter after her move from New York City to Bend, Oregon.
The afternoon was a breakout session to analyze their efforts in various states and figure out how to strengthen and improve outreach efforts to adults who no experience hunting. The meeting concluded with a commitment to more national coordination of these efforts.
BHA member Karl Malcolm, a wildlife ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service, was one of the main organizers of the event, and MN BHA co-chair Erik Jensen (who is also a MN DNR Outdoor Mentor involved with outreach to locavores) was also in attendance.

Thanks to Erik, Karl, Lily and Tovar for your continued outreach to and mentorship of new and prospective hunters!

Are you a hunter that began hunting as an adult?  Did you start hunting to better understand the connection to your food?  Tell us your story using the comments section below.

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About Erik Jensen

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