News for Immediate Release
Nov. 16, 2017
Contact: Katie McKalip, 406-240-9262, [email protected]
Interactive habitat maps reveal what’s at stake in administration's national monument review
MISSOULA, Mont. – As the Trump administration considers taking unprecedented action to reduce or eliminate national monuments, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is releasing detailed habitat maps of six Western national monuments on the chopping block.
Each of the monuments – Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah, Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks and Rio Grande del Norte in New Mexico, Cascade-Siskiyou in Oregon and Gold Butte in Nevada – was designated over the last two decades to safeguard, at least in part, important wildlife habitat, valuable fisheries and access to great places to hunt and fish. Each interactive map highlights data on fish and wildlife habitat and hunting and fishing opportunity that are at risk in the wake of the administration’s review.
“Sportsmen and women need to understand what’s at stake,” said BHA Conservation Director John Gale. “Conserving large tracts of undeveloped public lands as national monuments is essential to America’s hunting and fishing traditions. These maps graphically illustrate what we currently possess as public land owners – and what we could easily lose.”
Taken together, the maps offer revealing data:
• Each of the six national monuments identified for modification or elimination contains important big game habitat.
• Together, the six national monuments encompass nearly 4 million acres of big game habitat, including nearly 3 million acres of deer habitat and more than 1 million acres of elk habitat.
• Annually, more than 7,300 deer and 1,800 elk are harvested from hunt units across four states containing these six national monuments.
• Annually, more than 25,000 deer tags and 10,000 elk tags were offered to sportsmen in hunt units across four states containing these six national monuments.
As outlined in this report released by BHA and a consortium of outdoor groups and businesses, when done right, the designation of national monuments can be a critical tool to safeguard important fish and wildlife habitat while maintaining traditional hunting and fishing access.
Explore the BHA national monument habitat maps.
What would Theodore Roosevelt do?
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