BHA Launches New Blog, ‘Field to Table’

News for Immediate Release
June 6, 2019
Contact: Katie McKalip, 406-240-9262, [email protected]

Wild food harvested from public lands and waters is the theme,
techniques for preparing delicious meals take the spotlight

MISSOULA, Mont. – Today Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is launching Field to Table, a new content series focused on empowering hunters and anglers to make the most of their wild food harvests.

Guided by a host of regular and guest contributors with weekly posts on, Field to Table will explore everything from wild game butchering and processing to cooking skills, techniques and recipes. The mission of the series is to create opportunities for hunters and anglers to deepen our relationship with the fish and game we pursue and the public lands and waters where they’re found.

Food always has been tightly integrated into the tradition of hunting. In 2013 Responsive Management, a natural resource research firm, found “meat” to be the highest motivating factor for adult hunters in the U.S. to take to the field. The interest in acquiring local, healthy and wild food continues to flourish inside and outside the hunting and fishing community.

“Our public lands and waters offer us a wealth of rewards, not least of which is the opportunity to feed ourselves, our families and our friends with their bounty,” said BHA President and CEO Land Tawney. “I’ve long thought of BHA as a gathering point for our community of sportsmen and women – a place to build solidarity and friendships as well as celebrate our common passions. What better embodies this idea than sharing a meal together? We look forward to building Field to Table as a resource to help all of us maximize our adventures afield.” 

“Humans first connected to the wild for food,” said Ryan Busse, BHA North American board chair and enthusiastic wild game chef, “and today – when we strip all the trappings of modernity from our wild experiences – we are left with that first soulful and necessary connection. It’s in our DNA.”

Read more from BHA’s Field to Table.

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is the voice
for our wild public lands, waters and wildlife.

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The Voice For Our Wild Public Lands, Waters And Wildlife.

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