BHA Defends Navigable Waters Rule and Secures Access in California

Here in California we have a constitutional right to fish, and we have a right to access, hunt and fish the navigable waters of our state - for those waters are to be held in the public trust for the enjoyment of ALL.

Occasionally those rights and the definitions that uphold them can be called into question, as was the case last Fall when two anglers were confronted by a warden who claimed they were trespassing while fishing the Truckee River along a section that ran through private land. After the warden's lieutenant doubled down this dubious claim, BHA stepped in and convened a meeting of stakeholders, elected officials, NGOs and volunteers to address the issue. We are happy to say that CDFW legal counsel has agreed with the objections we brought forth in our letter and has notified CDFW law enforcement appropriately. The Truckee is indeed a navigable water and as such you may fish it this Spring!

Read the letter we sent to CDFW here:

While there remains a lot more work to be done in this region to improve access to landlocked Wildlife Areas, and on navigable waters access overall, we are thrilled at the result and humbled by the power of BHA volunteers and the efficacy of true grassroots activism.

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Learn more about legislation that BHA supports, AB 859 which would increase access to hunt navigable waters across the state. 


About Devin O'Dea

Devin grew up abalone diving, spearfishing, and backpacking in CA before discovering a love of bowhunting and wing shooting. He worked as a marketing manager for a carbon division of Mitsubishi, but the allure of adventure and wild places led him to BHA